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Home from the frame shop, with the frame still in the wrapper.....
Louie's owner sends the first of the digital photographs.
Just sent this one the other day
Excerpts from the e-mails from Louie's owner in Buffalo, N.Y.:

"ABSOLUTELY ........BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe the likeness, you did a superb job.....My first response was " Holy Shit" !! What I liked was you got her with the tail on the front paws, which is how she always sits, and I forgot to ask you to do that. I'm going to give it to my wife on her birthday, Aug 28, so I'll send a pix or 2 then and you can post them if you wish. She will love it. "
"Hey Marion!

First off, I would like to say thanks again for the wonderful work! You captured the eyes, the fur, ever so perfectly. There are markings on Louie that I never told you about, and they are on the painting......My wife will cry!!!! My In-laws were floored."
..and... finally the birthday arrives!

"She cried, cannot believe the likeness, and absolutely loves it.
( Louie would not co-operate with pictures.)
Will send you more info later.

Thanks again, everyone is in awe!!!!!!"

Acrylic on canvas
11 inches wide x 14 inches high

2004, please see
Louie's dad, Oreo, aka "Feet"

Some other members of the "family"
Bonnet, Mikey & Arthur